IMG_20160217_095054IMG_20160306_131800IMG_20160217_134819IMG_20160217_095124IMG_20160217_134445IMG_20160217_095113Trees, flowers, birds, sunshine, lakes, fountains, grass…..are just a few to name. But the expanse of beauty they spread have a fame. 

We all are aware of the fact that nature surrounds all of us and it pleases all of us. However, what if you are left all alone in a huge garden, with lots of sky-touching trees, broken up yellowish-green leaves, a lake down the valley, and a melodious yet misterious chirping of birds ? How would you spend time for approx.3 hours waiting to see your friends. Well I am sure for many of us it might be boring, solitary and depressive because there would be nothing much to do. But I know for many it would become “A DAY IN THE HUB OF NATURE”.

So, here I am going to let you know of how this time was for me. I reached the well known Japanese Garden , also popularly known as Swarna jayanti Park, in Delhi, India. The garden is basically divided in 4 adorable sections which can fill any nature lover with the delight of contentment. I sat down on one of the benches under the Banyan tree as I needed a shady place amidst the sun-kissed park in the summers of Delhi. My first hour here was quite depressing since my friends were supposed to reach at 9 but due to delay of metro and an always getting-delayed friend of mine, I had to wait there. Honestly, I felt like I  loner and I am the stupid person waiting here.

Then, suddenly a gentle wind blew and touched my face in a miraculous manner. I felt like I am not as ill fated as I am thinking. I realised that I was sitting at a place where the beauty of nature was surrounding me. I feet that god h blessed me with his best creations. I was amidst the beautiful lush green trees, vibrant colourful flowers, small brown birds, crystal clear water of the pond….everything there was too miraculous to be described in words. I decided to capture that beauty. The snaps define the beauty virtually, as the real beauty of nature can only be felt by heart. I wish to share a few with you. Gradually, time flew away in the hub of nature, listening to the music of birds, smelling the fragrance of flowers, feeling the gentle winds and watching the still water.

This was the best experience till now. I wish you all to feel the real beauty of nature and be blessed with its serenity. I wish you all to have a mesmerizing time and a calmness in soul that stays forever.


18 thoughts on “A DAY IN THE HUB OF NATURE.

  1. I felt by the same way spending some hours at the Emancipation Park here in Kingston waiting on my husband. ☺ He wasn’t late, I decided to stay at the park, doing some handworks and waiting until his shift is done. I can’t feel bored in the nature, there is always something you can observe and maybe you will find the next great story or painting. ☺


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